Capacity shortage in electrical grids threatens to slow down societal development. More demand side flexibility is part of the solution to the problem. Against this background, the aim is to increase knowledge on users’ flexibility potential and what role different incentives play in this respect.

In light of the understanding that a smart grid will never be smarter than its users, the project focuses on the role of electricity consumers and prosumers in the smart grid. The transition to a sustainable energy system both affects and makes demands on electricity users. Thus, conditions need to be created for them to contribute, directly or indirectly, to a more efficient and flexible electricity consumption and self-produced electricity. Against this background, the overall aim of the project is to assess the potential and impact of different incentives in these respects, to increase knowledge on electricity consumers’ and prosumers’ drivers and barriers in this context as well as to study their need for feedback and technical solutions in terms of products and services to these ends.

The research that is conducted in the project is to a large extent applied and empirical in the sense that its results are not generated in lab environment, but in the field as well as for and of those actors and users who are its recipients. De studies that the project covers combine several qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, such as interviews and focus groups as well as surveys and analyses of consumption and production data respectively. The project is conducted as part of a number of different collaboration- and demonstration projects on smart grids with partners from the academy as well as the public and the private sector.

The research project at uu.en.


Different strokes for different folks?: Comparing pro-environmental intentions between electricity consumers and solar prosumers in Sweden
Stikvoort, B., Bartusch, C., Juslin, P. (2020). Energy Research & Social Science, 69

Rising with the sun? Encouraging solar electricity self-consumption among apartment owners in Sweden
Öhrlund, I., Stikvoort, B., Schultzberg, M., Bartusch, C. (2020). Energy Research & Social Science, 64

Convenience before coins: Household responses to dual dynamic price signals and energy feedback in Sweden
Öhrlund, I., Linné, Å., Bartusch, C. (2019). Energy Research & Social Science, 52: 236-246

Identifying and estimating the effects of a mandatory billing demand charge
Öhrlund, I., Schultzberg, M., Bartusch, C. (2019). Applied Energy, 237: 885-895

Contact us

Cajsa Bartusch

Cajsa Bartusch

Researcher, docent

  • Uppsala University, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering

Fouad El Gohary

PhD student

  • Uppsala University, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management

Research area