
Vetenskapliga artiklar och konferensbidrag


El Gohary, F. (2024). Diagnosing demand flexibility: On the limitations of price signals. Doctoral dissertation, Uppsala University.

Vetenskapliga artiklar


  • Llewellyn, J., Venverloo, T., Duarte, F., Ratti, C., Katzeff, C., Johansson, F., & Pargman, D. (2025). Assessing the impact of energy coaching with smart technology interventions to alleviate energy poverty. Scientific Reports, 15(1), 969.


  • Nyström, S., Katzeff, C., & Rivera, M. B. (2024). Home-personas meet energy narratives of demand response: Uncovering mismatches between Swedish stakeholder expectations and everyday life. Futures, 103410.
  • Nyström, S., Rivera, M. B., & Katzeff, C. (2024). Households as part of the solution-Examining Swedish policy expectations on demand response in households. Energy Policy, 189, 114118.
  • El Gohary, F. (2024). Diagnosing demand flexibility: On the limitations of price signals. Doctoral dissertation, Uppsala University.
  • El Gohary, F. (2024). The price signal paradigm: On the evolution and limitations of demand-side flexibility in the EU. Energy Policy, 192, 114239.
  • Stikvoort, B., El Gohary, F., Nilsson, A., & Bartusch, C. (2024). Serving two masters: How dual price signals can undermine demand flexibility. Energy Policy, 185, 113918.


  • El Gohary, F., Stikvoort, B., & Bartusch, C. (2023). Evaluating demand charges as instruments for managing peak-demand. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 188, 113876.

  • El Gohary, F., Nordin, M., Juslin, P., & Bartusch, C. (2023). Getting the signal - Do electricity users meet the preconditions for making informed decisions on demand response. Energy Research & Social Science, 100, 103119.

  • Robison, Rosie, et al. (2023). Shifts in the smart research agenda? 100 priority questions to accelerate sustainable energy futures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 419: 137946.

  • Lazorska, D, Palm, J & Kojonsaari, A-R (submitted) The gender structure of opportunities in the energy sector: a literature review on women’s networking and mentoring
  • Palm, J., Kojonsaari, A. R., Öhrlund, I., Fowler, N., & Bartusch, C. (2023). Drivers and barriers to participation in Sweden's local flexibility markets for electricity. Utilities Policy, 82, 101580.
  • Kojonsaari, AR., & Palm, J. (2023). The development of social science research on smart grids: a semi-structured literature review. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 13, 1.
  • Hartmann, K & Palm, J (2023). The role of thermal energy communities in Germany’s heating transition. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4:1027148. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2022.1027148
  • Libertson, F. (2023). Inner transitions in higher education in Sweden: incorporating intra-personal skills in education for sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 24(9), 213-230.


  • Wahlund, M & Palm, J (2022) The role of energy democracy and energy citizenship for participatory energy transitions: A comprehensive review, Energy Research and Social Science, 87, Volume 87,102482,
  • El Gohary, F., Nordin, M., Juslin, P., & Bartusch, C. (2022). Evaluating user understanding and exposure effects of demand-based tariffs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 155, 111956.


  • Kojonsaari, A-R & Palm, J (2021) Distributed energy systems and energy communities under negotiation, Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, 6, 17,
  • Palm, J. (2021). Exploring Limited Capacity in the Grid: Actors, Problems and Solutions. Frontiers in Energy Research, 9:663769.
  • Libertson, F., Velkova, J. & Palm, J. (2021). Data-center infrastructure and energy gentrification: perspectives from Sweden. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 17(1), pp 153-162,
  • El Gohary, F., Nyström, S., Reitsma, L., & Bartusch, C. (2021). Identifying challenges in engaging users to increase self-consumption of electricity in microgrids. Energies, 14(5), 1257.
  • El Gohary, F., Nordin, M., Juslin, P., & Bartusch, C. (2021). Demand charges and user flexibility. Applied Energy, 301, 117543.


Populärvetenskap - Bokkapitel, rapport, policy briefs


  • C. Katzeff: Hushållens roll i smart bebyggelse, presentation och panel vid seminariet ”Smart bebyggelse och smarta byggnader” Effektarenan 12 april 2024, E2B2 IQ Samhällsbyggnad.
  • Anna-Riikka Kojonsaari och Jenny Palm, Energy democracy, energy justice and energy citizenship – citizen participation in theory and practice, NESS, 4-6 juni 2024, Åbo, Finland
  • Jenny Palm Challenging the ideal energy community: member views of place, engagement and aim”, seminarium om energigemenskaper, Stockholm, november 2023.
  • Jenny Palm, Affärsmodeller för samägandelösningar av solel, BeSmå:s medlemsmöte (online), augusti 2023.
  • Magnusson, Dick, Anna-Riikka Kojonsaari, Jenny Palm ”Swedish urban energy communities – new and emergent actor constellations”, 6th Nordic STS Conference 2023, 7-9 juni 2023, Oslo, Norge
  • Jenny Palm, Modeller för solgemenskaper, workshop med Svensk Solenergi, EON, Malmö Stad, Svensk Vindenergi och Energimyndigheten, Solar Region Skåne, online, februari 2022.
  • "Solel för Alla", Föreläsningen arrangeras av Lunds Naturskyddsförening, Lunds universitets Hållbarhetsforum och Stadsbiblioteket i Lund, Lund 220210
  • "Energigemenskaper", för Lunds Klimatallians, 8 december 2021, Lund
  • "A flexible energy system – challenges”, Greater Copenhagen Green Deal-workshop: A flexible and smart energy system, 15 September 2021, Malmö and online.
  • "Local Energy Communities and the EU’s clean energy package", with Jake Barnes, Oxford Environment Institute, online webinar “European Studies Seminar: Local energy and the EU's clean energy package: an induring innovation". 17 May 2021, 16.45-18.30, Events | St Antony's College (,
  • "Kundens bidrag till efterfrågeflexibilitet", Energimarknadsinspektionens webinarium, 20210128.
  • Paneldebatt, Palm, Jenny Deltagare i paneldebatt ”Pufendorf & Friends: Energiomställningen - Watt är vi på väg?, Lunds universitet, Lund 230302
